Biker flattened by wall during demolition

I had an experience like that when I was a teen. Was working as a janitor in a local school to make some extra money during my summer break, scrubbing desks and floors mainly. I biked to and from work and one day as I was leaving I walked past a room with some coworkers and promptly turned around about 10 seconds later down the hall, walked back to the room just to say good-bye for the day and then resumed walking down the hall on my way to my bike outside. As I'm riding home I'm crossing an intersection and I nearly get run down by a car doing 80+mph as it rounds a corner. I turned so sharply that I ate concrete and the car rocketed across traffic just a few feet from me, slammed into a parked pickup in someone's driveway and pushed the truck through a fence into the backyard. Turns out the driver was an older guy who had some sorta seizure and floored it. It's not really an exciting story I guess but it makes me wonder about the decisions I make and other people make, if there was something nudging me ever so slightly out of harms way by making me take the few moments to go back and say good-bye to my work mates. I suppose I could have saved those few seconds another way in my day and it wouldn't have mattered but the feeling I got about walking back down that hall even for a few seconds just felt off. Like I had to do it for some reason I couldn't grasp while most days I'd be perfectly okay with just leaving work and not saying anything.

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