Latest update totally screwed up

Moving on doesn't increase or decrease the need to know what your iterations were.

Moving on is probably a good call but it has some things in common with staying with LP:

  • If you have a reason not to worry about your old passwords (e.g. you've changed them all and are very confident they weren't used*), then you don't care what your iterations were
  • If you're worried or are not sure whether to worry (e.g. not sure how much time you have to change your passwords; smart enough to know it matters if they got in before you changed your passwords*), you do care what your iterations were

An example of something that is different for people who are staying:

  • You care what your iterations are now

*It can matter if someone got in with the password and then you changed it. There are a ton of reasons, but some of them include changes to security questions, changes/ additions to recovery email, transactions made, and phishing traps armed and/ or set.

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