League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis (2013) - Reveals how the NFL sought to cover up and deny mounting evidence of the connection between football and brain damage.

I honestly had no idea how to reply to you.

How about by defending your arguments that I'm being ignorant? Name calling is a 10 year old tactic. I hope you're holder than 10.

You're really ignorant on this topic and also really stubborn about your ignorant stance.

You toss ignorant around as if you know what it means. Since I'm so uninformed then inform me! Use some actual facts to back up your argument. Use logic based in philosophy to not create fallacious arguments. Just so you know, if something is in a documentary it doesn't make an opinion fact. Saying that they don't know what they're getting themselves into could be applied to every single job and so could knowing exactly what you're getting yourself into. It's an opinion and there are too many varying things to ever make such a bold statement in either direction.

I'm just not going to feel badly if an ignorant stranger thinks I "lost" a "debate."

This wasn't a debate, this was me saying how I feel, and you saying I'm ignorant 20 times and then following up with zero substance.

I hope you don't feel too badly when you get around to watching the documentary.

My god is he suddenly going to say something polite?

Good luck with your skin cancer.


I really do hope you don't respond because you're making yourself look like an idiot. Your only arguments have been, "no, you're just ignorant" to anything I say and then you attempt to attack me because my opinion differs from yours on the subject. The only reason I'm going through all of this is in hopes that the next time you decide to take up a conversation on a topic and call somebody out that you'll push that deep inside and realize that you should actually know something about the subject at hand before you open your stupid mouth.

/r/Documentaries Thread Link - vid.me