How’s your mental health doing right now?

Pretty pretty bad. I am dangling on a thread here.

I am stuck at home with parents who don't understand the concept of mental health. I get those weird looks of "What's wrong with you" whenever I try to speak a bit about it.

On top of that, I have been forced into a long distance relationship with my live-in girlfriend who went back home to her parents as well. I was waiting for her to plan to come back so I could escape this place. But suprise suprise, she doesn't want to come back. It's been 2 months since I have seen her but she wants to spend another 2-3 months with her parents. When I told her that I missed her and it's not fair that she is extending this entire thing without even consulting me, I am somehow making her choose between me and her parents. I don't speak about this when I talk with her now. But the little voice in my head just keeps going "What about me? You literally didn't choose me"

I work a job that requires me to be seen as confident at all times. It's getting quite painful to keep that face while I feel like I am crumbling bit by bit on the inside. But hey, still have a job. So that's going well.

TLDR: Not going well. Parents are old-fashioned, girlfriend is distant and my job is getting tougher

/r/AskReddit Thread