Is this a legbeard signal? I swear all feminazis have these bangs/fringe

why the fuck are you friends with her?

same reason I'm subscribed to this sub (and 185 others)

I'm interested to see what motivates people. I need to understand the dynamics that are driving the changes I see all around. I'm not from her generation, I'm about 15 years older. So the hipster thing came out of nowhere for me. And basically all her friends appear to be this hipster clique.

This reminds me. I actually went to a massive festival down in central London in 2013 and it was completely surreal to see just about ALL of the guys dressed in hipster fashions. Like, thousands of them. It was like they were all trying to look like fishermen with the beards and the checked lumberjack shirts and the same jeans and the same shoes. Lots of girls with those radical fringe cuts. I guess its just fashion or something. Obviously I'm getting old that I never saw this coming. People want to fit in so they dress alike. But it looked just extremely odd because it was something that was basically not a thing in Scotland. You'd get looked at if you walked around like that. (back then at least) I'd never been surrounded by people who looked so uniformly ridiculous and yet they were all so apparently convinced of their own brilliant fashion sense. Even though it was still a uniform that they were wearing. I actually took pictures to show people when I went home. I knew they'd think I was making it up or exagerating. But you cant argue with a picture of 20 fishermen. It seemed like the fashion was supposed to mark them as being exciting and interesting quirky characters and yet absolutely everyone was dressed in the same basic format. It didn't make any sense.

And today for example. I'm just back from the shops. I'm living in Denmark now, central Copenhagen. I've seen perhaps a dozen white couples with black babies/toddlers. I just walked past another near the supermarket this morning. These are people who have chosen to adopt an african kid. I'm pretty certain this is a similar thing. A bit like like changing their facebook status to a flag or some shit, It's ultra fashionable to publicly reject racism (in this overwhelmingly white city) and what better way to parade their diversity credentials than by adopting a black kid. As if it's the fashionable pet or something. The parents are normally immaculately dressed as well. Fashionable middle class late 20s early 30s types. But it makes me wonder what happens when they split up, what happens if it's not the fashion any more. These aren't people in their 50s. Their personalities aren't settled yet (often). Why didn't they adopt a white kid? Surely their child will grow up with everyone knowing that they're adopted. And are the parents going to stay together? It's like getting a tattoo. What if they regret it. What if it makes their lives difficult and in 10 years these people see the fashion value turn against them. Are they really going to be so determined to work things through with each other if the kid they're raising is so completely obviously not theirs. Wouldnt it actually be better for the black kid to have black parents. they might not have as much money but that's not really what a kid wants. Fundamentally speaking. What if the kid realises they're a fashion statement....

I worry about these things. I see stuff going on all around and I see how things have changed. People are spoiled. Flightly and impulsive. They're influenced by magazines and tv shows. Facebook, twitter, instagram etc etc are making people vain and ostentatious

Changes in society are being driven by magazine editors and people are emulating weird role models. And people online are becoming more and more extreme in their opinions because they're able to connect and surround themselves with virtual friends that are just as radical or more so. I worry about this even more.

I see real permanent societal changes are being made because of people trying to appear fashionable without a proper understanding of what the consequences will be.

It's actually worrying to look at America and see the racial problems and look at europe and see where we might be heading.

So anyway. rant over.

TLDR: I'm friends with her just to see how she presents herself. It's fascinating to see how her inner circle congratulate her when she releases a new article or when she posts a link to some hideous third wave feminist tat. or to see her gushing with self-admiration when her play gets a glowing review from some terrible feminist author (yes that happened a couple of weeks ago)

clearly: I'm getting old

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