So let me get this straight... Hundreds of thousands of people have dreams of coming to America because it's the greatest country in the world. But if your proud to be an American, and love it here, you instantly are a racist nationalist?

They want you to be white globalist, not white nationalist. You know, like the last time whites became globalist and they subjugated and sold black Africans as slaves in their global colony, beat the shit out of the Hindus and stole their dyes and silk, massacred the Incas and Aztecs and shipped their gold back to Spain all while the common European back home saw non of the wealth. It sort of reminds you of these owners of massive international corporations who get wealthy paying low wages overseas and freely moving their product back home at our expense and then using their massive wealth to further fuck us by lobbying politicians, Hollywood, and MSM to smear us all as racist nationalist and convincing half of the people to actually believe them and in turn fight and commit violence against us like a bunch of schmucks who are being played. I guarantee the financiers of this coup are laughing their asses off at the legal American citizens they convinced to pick up their banner against their own self interest in the name of "social justice."

/r/The_Donald Thread