Let's get serious. We are a community of 150,000, a metaphorical army of aligned interests, and I have an idea.

I'm in.

A few thoughts on parameters for finding the right project: - Something that will generate a certain threshold of media attention. Basically stating a clear goal, whether it's major attention within a specific geographic or demographic market of interest or a positive blip in the global news cycle. Or both - Something that highlights a unique capability of bitcoin. - Something good: good for bitcoin / good for the world. - Build on top of a proven strategy

After a little brainstorming I have an initial thought for a project:

7 Continents - Currency for All

Building on top of the MIT airdrop (which, 9 months in, looks like a clear win) we distribute $5-10M in bitcoin to a specific community (probably a major University) on each continent (not many people in Antarctica, so maybe all of them get some BTC).

  • $100 to everyone who signs up (this is a jackpot for people in non-OECD countries)
  • Get local business on board to coincide with launch, cafes, restaurants, bars, book stores, etc... Make sure people have places to spend their coins
  • Track the results: If it succeeds, we can use that data to convince other retailers to accept bitcoin in areas with sufficient user densities. And learn what didn't what so we can improve next time around.
  • Work with major bitcoin companies to (a) raise the money, (b) get the local businesses set up (including any necessary hardware), (c) connect new users with the software they'll need, (d) (maybe 21 will give everyone a "free" phone...)
  • Work with major bitcoin holders to fund campaign
  • Create an onboarding platform with videos, FAQs, etc... to help people get up to speed.
  • Work with local bitcoin enthusiasts to offer support during the initial launch period - working hard to make sure that people can use and understand bitcoin
  • A global tour where bitcoin thought leaders visit each campus. Andreas, Voorhees, Ver, Gavin, Balaji, etc...
  • Work with the team responsible for the MIT launch to learn from their efforts and improve on what they did
  • Launch in Fall 2015. It's a tight timeline, but achievable.

I think this would get significant media attention and would do a lot to push forward bitcoin adoption. Young people, especially college students, are the tip of the spear.


/r/Bitcoin Thread