
No I had complications because I did a open surgery because the Dr thought it was best because of my age. If I had a do over I would have done laparoscopic. But I also know complications can arise from any surgery. I may be older but I also know of people family & friends who have had the surgery recently. I have a child who actually does the surgery. I have a child who is a Dr. & a child who is a respiratory therapist. A foster child who was in my home is now a surgeon. I am well aware of medical procedures & surgeries from a personal stand point & having family or friends in the medical field. I am not gonna argue. We all have our own opinions. I don't put my family on a YouTube channel to make money of them. Crystal chose that for her family. Yes she deserves privacy but so do the children. What she is doing is child exploitation. She wants to share their private information but she wants to keep her information private. That is a double standard & not fair to the children. She tells what she thinks will get the most views & clicks & brings in the most money. She acts like she is bringing awareness. Well there are plenty of us out here who have done or are doing foster care & adoption there is a right way & a wrong way to do things. Exploiting those kids personal private traumatized life is not showing awareness. IMO

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