New Intro Vlog

The bio Mom lost custody because of continued drug use & instability for the children etc. The Grandmother then took them in as long as she could. It was shared it wasn't safe because the bio mother continued to interfere in that situation as well.

The kids have shared about that and no longer wanted contact. They do still have contact with their bio Grandmother and the reunited brother though. ❤ This is shared info from the kids.

The bio Mom used to write all sorts of craziness on Savannah's Instagram account. The last Savannah commented is she wanted no contact after moving in with cp's.

Lucas and Savannah’s mom has been posting all over facebook saying the system stole her kids and that they won’t let her have any contact.

If she's running around social media saying things publicly like that about her bio kids it's not a surprise the system keeps her away from the children.

/r/Crazymiddles Thread Parent