This kid knows EXACTLY what she's doing. They treat her like a toddler, even bought a stroller for her to ride in. The fact that they still let her sleep in bed with them and is never disciplined is unacceptable.

Although they make it "seem" as though she has a degree of "ID", I believe it is more a case or a version of Crysdull having Munchausen by proxy. This, is not a joke; the diagnosis or my mentioning it. Sadly, I ha.xcxxz, NCve seen a very real case of it in a Nurse who actually killed premature babies in her care. Sure, these babies were very sick and needed critical care but it never failed, whenever this Nurse came on duty, the babies condition would worsen and ultimately, would die, and she would get all of the attention for having to "go through" such a heartbreaking ordeal. . . . Thank God she was eventually caught and i just came across her obituary the other day saying she died "unexpectedly" and "suddenly", so....we know what that meant.

But, I digress. Whatever happens, I hope Crysdull gets whatever is coming to her and that the kid is disciplined sooner than later.

One person posted that the teacher should get involved and while that's great and all, it won't do a damn bit of good if there's no continuity at home by the family.

That kid is smarter than they giver her credit for and is certainly crafty in her ways. I don't think she's disciplined at all but even so, she knows when the opportunity is better for her to get away with her bullshit. It's kind of like when we (or some of us) were younger and our parents were on the phone. We knew damn good and well that we could pull shit then because the parent was on a call and would not interrupt it to discipline us. Same thing with Roar. She sees the camera and all bets are off. Play time! Of course, Crysdull is filming pretty damn near 24/7 so the opportunities for her to pull her nonsense are immense!

She needs serious rules, correction and consequences because she is almost 7 yrs old!

We all know that we can talk about this until we are blue in the face & nothing will change. Unfortunately, it is probably going to take a very serious accident or close to it to shake these morons up enough to change anything.

I really hope that as these kids get older that they won't continue to be the flock of sheep following Crysdull's whim, wishes, commands or 'bribes'. Surely, if enough of them don't participate in her continued exploitation, then the game will change. The content will be harder to come by, the # of vids will decrease, the amount of viewers will go down and hopefully, she'll be out of business.

She is everything that is wrong with these YouTube family vloggers / "influencers".

/r/Crazymiddles Thread