Like Hand in Glove: on the collaboration between media, police, and far-right in the recent arrests of antifascists in Toronto and Hamilton

This is where everyone loses my vote; you claim Sue Ann Levy is stirring the pot by calling a theft "violent" and blowing it out of proportion.... which she absolutely did, sure.... but you can't criticize that approach and then turn to The Tower where literally anything that's even slightly problematic gets re-defined as "violence". They're two sides of the same coin and if you don't look at their publication as anything short of propaganda then you're letting yourself be duped. Whether it's the racist toronto sun, or Northshore, none of them are honest reporters; if they were, they would use objective language that describes actions ("he pushed her, she stumbled" vs "he violently assaulted her"). But they both do it because they're both more interested in gaining support than disseminating the truth.

Which leads to the final point; media might bring things to light, but we need to hold people accountable; he was charged with theft because he stole a hat. It's that simple. The demonstrator at the mayors house got charged with theft because she stole his flag. Vanderweide (or however it's spelled) was charged with assault with a weapon (an objectively more serious charge than any of the breaches/thefts the left picked up but of course that would ruin their propaganda) because he hit people with his helmet.

And the biggest lie of all is that Northshore knows damn well the police aren't "picking sides". But whenever the two groups meet to fight and the police have to get between them, the fascists just fall back for the most part, or limit themselves to goading the other side. Meanwhile the left never calms down, they make a point of not just attacking the right but also police.... so ya they're gonna get cops facing them and turning their back to the fash because you have to face the immediate threat. Leave it to the dumbasses at the tower to make black and brown officers more comfortable turning their backs to racists than them.

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