List of max burst damage for the 'nauts


DMG Description
Nibbs 2621 410 orb + 1470 landing all fire + 441 max frenzy fire + 300 DoT
Sentry 2185 1235 max black hole + 550 telefrag + 400 decoy
Frog 1806 790 hitting splash and hammer pants + 1016 landing every hit for the entire duration of tornado and landing tweeters.
GODDAMN MOTHERZORKING PIECE OF CHILDISH BULLZORK 1620 960 max eye + 660 average damage of one second in rage
Clunk 1540 540 bite + 1000 explode
Gnaw 1465 440 flat + 510 DoT + 400 placed weedling + 115 with one weedling attack
Lone 1300 600 all 3 sticks + 240 incendiary + 460 exploding bull and two hits with viking helmet
Swoldir 1250 700 throw + 550 quake DoT
Swaggins 1150 450 hook + 100 drop + 300 pneumatic spoon + 300 magnetic anchor for 3 seconds
Voltar 1140 250 droid + 350 turret addon + 540 bombshell
Rae 1105 285 for one second in rift + 70 for one hit from spawned droid + 750 from snipe
Sassy frenchman 1064 564 tongue + 500 exploding dummy
Scoop 1063 433 max damage hammer @ max range + 630 ice queen and landing every hit with banner of triple scoop
Vinny & Spike 980 980 max damage goldfish and landing seahorse head
Alien Breasts 970 670 ball + 300 blaze DoT
Derpl 950 950 nuke
Skree 950 700 two-way flying blade damage + 250 half second in saw
Ted McPain 890 690 air strike + 200 DoT
Penny 850 640 pulse + 210 pounce (4 charges + 1 charge)
Yuri 840 840 max damage carpet bombs
Genji 570 500 prefab cocoon + 70 one hit from hummingbird
Rocco 435 435 precision shot
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