People who have survived attempted murder, how did it happen? How did you survive?

Very long story, and nearly unbelievable, so I'm just going to be vague here. Poisoned. Collapsed on my apartment floor. Never got any sort of justice or at least compensation for it (the whole experience traumatized me on top of almost killing me). Ended up staying alive due to willfully deciding to stick around. Nothing was ever investigated by anyone. Reason? The person who did it was rich, and I was (and still am) very poor. No one stepped up to help me, even though a lot of people knew about it. Advised by a government org to speak to my state attorney general, who told me to get a lawyer. I can barely pay my rent, and you guys want me to get a lawyer to go after my rich would-be murderer? okay lol

/r/AskReddit Thread