Literal Insanity

How often do you think people are hospitalized because of COVID? Since March 2020, a grand total of ~247,000 COVID hospitalizations have occurred in the US. Annually, the US typically has ~36,000,000 hospital admissions. Let's average out COVID hospitalizations per month since March 2020. That is ~12,350 hospitalizations per month, or roughly 111,150 hospitalizations in 2020, and 135,850 hospitalizations in 2021. I fail to see how this would put drastic strain on the healthcare system like you're implying when it accounts for ~.00034% of all hospitalizations. Obese people, smokers, and alcoholics put more strain on the healthcare system than this, and I don't see you complaining about them. COVID hospitalization stats come from the CDC:

The general hospitalization stats came from here:

The average age of COVID death is higher than the average life expectancy in the US. The only one whining here is you. The one that wants to deny people their rights, and ostracize them because you're afraid of the flu.

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