Lol it is so funny that Iris used to be the most hated character on the show back in season 4. Now in season 9 she's nowhere even close thanks to Chillblaine, Cecile, Chester and Allegra.

I never said anything about a border, just xenophobia in general, but it's interesting that that's where your mind went. A little too used to defending that argument, I see.

And no, our experiences must be wildly different because I see way more racism come from the right than the left. I suppose that particular subject depends on the information you surround yourself with.

The fact is, the left tends to lean more towards compassion and emotion while the right learns more towards tradition and results. That's just how it is. I don't have anything flipped, you just clearly disagree because I'm calling out your beliefs and you don't like that. Nothing I can do about that, unfortunately.

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