Ezra millers flash.

I thought he was more of a combo of Bart Allen and the lovable dummy version of Wally West from JLU then Peter Parker but whatever.

I did think he had a couple of very Barry Allen moments but on a whole the way it was portrayed made me think the person writing the character had only ever watched JLU and never picked up a Barry/Flash comic in their life.

In saying all of that they weren’t really writing (or portraying) the version of Barry most of us know and love it was a inexperienced, young and immature Barry which is not the Barry I personally want to see on screen (why can’t we just get our heroes being the heroes we know and love on screen?!) but it is what it is. I’ll wait until the solo Flash movie before I make a final judgement.

For now I love both Gustin’s and Miller’s Flash for different reasons though I prefer Gustin’s Barry as it is much closer, particularly in season 4, to the modern day Barry then what Miller’s is.

/r/FlashTV Thread