LOL really ... is there anyone out there not bullish about GME?

So it was better before “crazy runic chic” was ousted? Sure, totally agree overall market sentiment is not bullish but would you not agree it seems GameStop is more forward thinking than most companies? Also seems like they may have seen this coming and got a whole pile of cash as well as secured low interest capital just for a market scenario such as this? By Cohen’s tweets earlier this year he was calling out monetary policy long before the pundits and media started to admit it looks like we’re in for rough times. Also look at the charts of many major companies vs GameStop over the last 6 months and tell me what has been a better investment? Dedicated retail investors that have no plans on selling anytime soon, even as the market crashes means that people may notice that and start to see it as a safe place to put their money in a declining market.

/r/Superstonk Thread Parent