DSPP, Direct Stock, Dividend Reinvestment Plan ... IS NOT DIRECT REGISTRATION.

I'm sick and tired of the blatant lies some investors are spreading in this subreddit on Direct Registration when its as SIMPLE AS checking your documentations on ComputerShare and light research.

From good or bad intentions, most of the time its from lack of Due Dillegience and motivation to do so for some damn reason in regards to this subject.

Under GameStops 10K, , *... approximately 76.0 million shares of our Class A Common Stock were held by **record holders** as of March 22, 2023 ...*

RECORD HOLDERS via Thomas Reuters Practical Law: https://ca.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/2-503-5994?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default))

**Stockholder of Record**

*Also known as **shareholder of record, record holder or owner, or registered holder, or owner.** The stockholder whose name is listed on the company's books and records as the owner of shares as of a particular date (the record date). A stockholder of record holds stock in a **direct relationship** with the company and has **direct title to the shares**, as opposed to a beneficial owner that owns stock indirectly through a broker, dealer, bank or other entity. Beneficial owners holding through a broker, dealer or bank are also said to hold their shares in street name.*

REGISTERED HOLDER via Investopedia: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/registered-holder.asp

**What Is a Registered Holder?**

*A registered holder is a shareholder who holds their shares directly with a company. Registered holders have their names and addresses recorded in the company's share registry, which is usually maintained by its transfer agent. Investors who use this direct registration system (DRS), a service offered by the Depository Trust Company, to become registered holders receive a statement of ownership attesting to the number of shares they hold, rather than a physical stock certificate.*

So, this all revolves around being Direct Registered right? Clearly in the image I showed you from my OWN account signifies that there is a EYE SORE DIFFERENCE between DSPP and DRS.


/r/Superstonk Thread Link - i.redd.it