Looking for characters to draw, Glamour Pinup edition.

Name:Cristali Race:Earth Genasi Age: Physically, he's about 22. But he's been alive for 398 years, due to special magic(which you will see what I'm talking about. Appearance:Cristali is a man of intimidation. Although he is actually quite approachable, everything about him is set to make you want to stay away. For beginners, he stands at about 6'8" and is incredibly muscular, weighing about 270 lbs. His skin is made of a multitude of gems, being colours even unknown to the most artistic scholar. His eyes are similar, appearing crystalline and multicoloured. His hair though, he inherited that colour from his Drow mother. His hair is as white as snow. His hair is styled in a long braid that often incorporates flowers. He has various scars on his body from his upbringing by dragons. He has a rather defined and sharp face. He has four navel piercings, each with a plant decorative end. He has two large earrings that have a dragon claw for a decorative piece. He tends to dress in extremely extravagant and flamboyant clothing, somehow adding even more colour to his appearance, and often this clothing can be rather revealing of his body. He doesn't worry about this, mainly due to the fact that he has faith that no one will be able to get to him through Lomma, but even if they do, he has a thin sheen of dragon scales woven together like a thin chain shirt. His weapons(a rapier and a scimitar) are ornate and possess unique markings, as well as strange designs. He also carries around a lute to play sweet melodies. (Feel free to choose the appearance of any of these pieces of clothing and feel free to change anything you believe needs to be changed.)

Personality:Cristali has always been a rather carefree individual, throwing caution to the wind and doing whatever he pleases. His moods can change drastically in a matter of seconds, and where there was once a kind apple juice loving softie, now stands an unforgiving beast who is next to impossible to stop. He is pansexual, being very free with who he is with, but the problem is, he very rarely forms actual relationships. He feels that they close him in too much, and don't fit his lifestyle. As such, Lomma often jokes that she is the only female that he'll ever be around for all of his life. He is extremely protective of his home, constantly writing back to the Prismatic Dragons to make sure everything is okay in their sanctuary, as well as often visiting them. He and Lomma have a very close relationship, often teasing each other about certain things and sometimes even going out of their way to embarrass the other. Despite this, they would die for each other, and would do absolutely anything for each other. When around those he sees as friends, Cristali spoils them in riches and gives them the absolute best. He goes out of his way to help them achieve tasks, and often takes over to make sure nothing goes wrong. Cristali's real charm lies with beasts and creatures of all kinds. Either because of fear or because of natural charm, Cristali tends to be able to win over countless creatures. Though a monstrosity in combat, Cristali doesn't particularly care to fight. He is not opposed to it, he just sees it as boring or beneath him. He would much rather just play his lute and spend time with Lomma, but when the going gets tough, or if he needs to help his friends, he will fight until everyone is safe.

Just in case you want it, here is the stuff that probably connects everything.

History:Cristali's mother and father were both people from evil ways. His mother was a Drow, a notoriously evil subrace of elves. His father was an evil genie, who respected the evil capabilities of Cristali's mother. Through countless visits to each other, eventually Cristali was conceived and soon enough, he was born. Cristali's mother took one look at Cristali and knew that she would gain great shame from giving birth to Cristali, so she abandoned him in a forest that was notorious for making anything that went in disappear. Little did she know, the reason anybody who went in went missing was because a large amount of prismatic dragons lived there with each other.  They looked down upon this act and as such, did two things to retaliate. First, they sent out one of their own to fool Cristali's mother before leading her to a secluded cave where she would starve to death. Second, they took in Cristali as one of their own. They helped him to grow, taught him the ways of the wild, and made him strong. When mating season came, and the eggs were laid, the elders of the Prismatic Dragons told Cristali that they would bond him to one of their own to truly signify that he was one of them. So when Lomma hatched, she and Cristali were spiritually linked, connecting their aging process, ensuring Cristali as one of them and ensuring Cristali a long life as well as an eternal companion.

/r/characterdrawing Thread