Had my whole team rage quit on me within the first few minutes...

This is a tricky problem from a game development and player psychology point of view, because staying in games that are very unfair = no fun for the user. Quitting and taking a 4 minute penalty to go browse youtube (or leaving to play something else), to casual or newer players, is often a more appealing option than suffering through 6-? minutes of pointlessness.

Quitting is experienced much less frequently at higher levels of play, so how we handle these situations becomes really important for retaining new players and expanding the playerbase. Making penalties harsher across the board is probably counterproductive as it'll just drive newer players off of the game to go play something else.

  • Having proper communication tools may foster the type of cooperation that would prevent leavers in the first place.

  • A surrender system for remaining teammates would be a great placeholder solution to ease frustration and keep players engaged with the game, finding matches, instead of sitting out or being penalized.

  • Penalizing the first quitter, but giving mild-to-no penalties to remaining teammates who don't want to waste their time would also be a worthwhile solution to try.

My 2c.

/r/gigantic Thread