Looking for someone to educate me on ESP/psychic ability

You see a lot of mental illness, specifically anxiety, and depression in those with ESP and related abilities.

It's not because they're crazy. It's because they're extremely, extremely sensitive, to almost everything, but mostly to energy. More so than normal people by a vast amount. They feel more, they see more, they hear more.

Almost every 'esp sensitive' person I've ever met, even the females have been borderline Nympho. Really into sex. Their sex drive hardly ever goes down too, it goes up as they age it seems.

Reasons for this I believe are their extreme sensitivities mean they get a lot more out of sex than normal people.

The environment affects them differently as it does everyone else. And if you say something very personally mean to them its literally worse than a physical assault.

I've also suffered from depression for most of my life.

I look back at pictures of me as a toddler and a baby, and most of my pictures have me with a serious/poker face.

Most normal kids are pretty active, talkative, loud even. I was always a quiet kid. I was perfectly fine being alone, reading my books, playing games on my own etc.

I still enjoy my alone time to a great deal. I need it, because when I'm in public its like an information/energetic overload for me. I still suffer from bouts of major depression that come and go.

My teacher who I learned sorcery from formally, has a saying.

He says that those who have been researching this, ESP, sorcery, shamanism, mediumship etc that if they were meant to do it, they will learn it and find a teacher.

That even if he rejected me I would still learn it no matter what because it was fated to be this way. Those who have these abilities and hone them are known as 'Spirit Chosen'.

Eventually the more you start using these abilities you put a light beacon into the spirit world, that all the other spirits see, and basically it's telling them you can now sense them, hear them, see them etc. And it gives them permission to interact with you, far more than they would with a normal person because now they know you're aware of them.

This is also a test though. Those who take up ESP, witchcraft, sorcery, whatever you want to call it, those who study it and also practice it will be tested. I don't even like to say in what ways you'll be tested, but I promise you, if you have these abilities you will be tested by spirits in ways that you would never expect.

Most people who experience these tests quit right away, they can't handle it. But those who continue to hone their abilities even after the tests, become the ones that end up genuinely acquiring supernatural abilities.

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