So is there going to be some punishment for leavers at some point?

Thank you for being understanding.. ;-;

I'll admit it right here and right now... I leave a game now and again... Why do I leave?

It's a team based game.. And as you move into the later tiers the number of team members seems to drop. At T10 you have seven players, and each one of them will have a huge impact on how the game is played.

When it comes to these teamates they have varying movement types, weapon types, and health ratio's... But the health ratio's, how many times you can get hit, play a huge factor for specific roles. Bot's that aren't properly prepared for the tier they attempting to be in, for a thirty minute long game, can really drag a team down...

Free clock cycles for the enemy, they can't defend properly, they can't push back properly. They crumple under heavy fire. And for an smg unit that is DEVASTATING. An SMG is a frontline unit. It needs to be able to take a hit. But if an SMG unit can't withstand another smg's fire without some form of tactical movement advantage.... What good is it?

It can't move forward, and it can barely hold them back or not hold the back at all. Long matches work with pre balanced characters with varying skills and abilities... But in this game, we don't have that. We don't really have any required health pool in tiers that creat's a balance in teams, and that can lead to really weak teams, especially if your whole team consists of bot's that aren't built up to code for the fire fight they are meant to endure.

A strong team need's sturdy bot's to make up it's composition. A bot that doesn't have time or effort put into it, that can't withstand the fire fight... It's a bot that can't help the team, it's dead weight that put's more pressure on the other bot's to make up for it. And when it's three smg hovers with paper thin armor that break whenever someone looks at them... Not even decked out in tier appropriate armor, it's just an absolute nightmare.

It turns into this match where the few good bot's are struggling to keep one tower to keep the sheild up and three or four bot's that immediately crumple when the enemy sneezes in their general direction.

Please please please create some sorta health requirement for bot's per tier... Something to make an even playing feild? So that no matter what the bot's on your team can atleast, logically stand up under fire...

It's a sad day when the tankiest unit on the team is the copter.

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