Epic Loot Changes Incoming

Epic Loot Changes Incoming

Last Thursday’s Epic Loot update was one of the biggest in Robocraft history and suitably for an update that brought such change, feedback from our fans (that’s you guys) has been overwhelming.

Today we have made some changes to the loot system and matchmaking in order to improve the Robocraft experience for new, existing and future players.

The following tweaks are already live in-game:

Gold and Diamond Crates will have a significantly reduced chance of dropping Commons and an increased chance of dropping items that have higher rarities as a result
Protonium Crates will not drop any Commons in favour of higher rarity items
We have significantly reduced the chance of the majority of Cosmetics appearing in Crates, for example all Robot Masks
We have increased the recycle Robits values for the majority of Cosmetic items so that you always feel like you get a good value if you chose to recycle them
We have downgraded Epic Masks to Rare, and some Rare varieties to Uncommon so that when you get an Epic item, you know that it’ll give you cool functionality for your robot.
We have downgraded the largest Megaplates J & K from Legendary to Epic as we want to ensure that all Legendary items in Robocraft are super cool and these didn’t seem to fit the bill. The downgraded Megaplates will retain the ‘pre-change’ Legendary recycle cost for one week (until 10/05).
Fixed a bug with the Aeroflak Cannon that was causing it to do as much damage to ground robots, as it was to air units for direct projectile hits. Now Aeroflak Cannon will do 3x less damage to ground units, just as it was before the Epic Loot update.
We have increased the influence of the skill-based component of matchmaking, as it is not currently having a big enough impact in-game

We also have more loot system tweaks planned for later this week.

Whenever we make big changes to Robocraft, rest assured that we don’t make them lightly. We strongly believe that Robocraft’s new loot system improves the core game experience and these tweaks are a key part of an ongoing effort to improve everything in-game.

Like any other Early Access game out there, Robocraft will continue to evolve as it progresses towards Beta release and we’d like to say a special thank you to all those who actively engage with Robocraft on Twitter, Facebook, the official forums and the subreddit.

Unfortunately we don’t have time to respond to feedback from every single player, but rest assured when you make comments in-game, on our social channels and on the forums we read every single one. We couldn’t make Robocraft what it is without you all, and we really appreciate you being on this development journey with us.

Roll on the next update!

/r/Robocraft Thread Parent Link - robocraftgame.com