Los Angeles is the best place to live if you are homeless. They even recently passed a new sales tax to give the homeless more money. Homeless people are flocking to the city in response. r/socialism gasps in horror.

Statists are going to want to totally control people in order to solve this problem.

I think that when people have freedoms, like the freedom of movement to travel around, they naturally are going to gravitate to areas that are more in line with their life goals and aspirations and away from places that constrain them or ask things of them (or oust them, or hate them).

So naturally you would have homeless people converging on LA. It's kind of a consequence of how things just are.

Also, our society in general has a hard time figuring out who the adults are, and who is not competent. It's not a kind thing to say, but someone with mental issues is not a competent adult. Some people would say something like, well, you can just leave them on the streets? As long as they can shamble around and find food, and live outside, okay? Or you could worry about them and try to protect them from being inevitably victimized, but only the State has the kind of power to take away someone's rights (to free movement etc) -- I guess Statists wish the State would flex it's power and MAKE people pay, but NOT put restrictions on these people.

They, like libertarian-types like me, are really trying to have it both ways, but they forget that they're forcing one group to care enough to pay high taxes, risk their own liberty, in order to save another group (that maybe doesn't want the help? would rather be free? and/or is truly in rough shape and wants help --- endless amounts of help --- with no prospects in change in behavior )

Ugh where to start.

/r/shitsocialismsays Thread Link - np.reddit.com