Physical illness has made me want to die far more than mental illness ever did

I developed CFS after a HSV-6 infection, so I can relate. It's horrible when all of the systems that you formerly trusted (medical, psychological, family) turn on you and refuse to believe you. I had doctors laugh at me, or tell me they were always tired too, or otherwise completely fail to understand the degree of my debility. I had therapists who seemed so kind and understanding when we began talking who completely changed their demeanor and tone of voice when I told them I had CFS (like they were patronizingly addressing a child). My mother told me that I was a hypochondriac and that I would never recover because I was just self-diagnosing (even though my family doctor at college had already diagnosed me). My experience taught me that the word "society" is just the plural form of "monster". Being sick with a mystery disease makes people view you as medical/psychological object instead of a co-equal subject. You become a "thing" instead of a person.

I had a mild case, so it was like being perpetually sick with "supermono" instead of being bedbound for days at a time, but it was still bad enough. Thankfully I slowly recovered (I'm the third person in my extended family to develop CFS and the third to recover), but I learned that people will ignore you or hurt you not out of spite, but ignorance and intellectual laziness.

I hope that whatever you decide to do improves your life, including ending it. Be sure that the helium in the tank is close to 100% pure if you buy a canister.

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread