Low dose DXM as a nootropic?

The lack of evidence of its existence, in the face of repeated attempts, is more telling than stating it has not been unequivocally disproven yet.

I am inquisitive about these repeated attempts. I would like to know more.

Do you have links to the study showing a single low dose of DXM causing neuronal injury?

The original statement concerned correlation not causation. The verity of the correlation between NMDA Antagonists and humans cannot be questioned and subsequently this increases the likelihood in the favour of toxicity.

Many things alter synaptic plasticity. That does not mean they are neurotoxic. NMDA antagonists can certainly be detrimental to memory, in a dose-dependent manner. Nobody is arguing against that.

Not a dose dependent manner. Please read the journal articles. It was a low dose. That is the basis of the argument.

Many things alter synaptic plasticity. That does not mean they are neurotoxic. NMDA antagonists can certainly be detrimental to memory, in a dose-dependent manner. Nobody is arguing against that

Neurotoxicity has been defined as any adverse effect on the structure or function of the central and/or peripheral nervous systems produced by a biological, chemical, or physical agent (Tilson 1990a) and also http://archives.drugabuse.gov/pdf/monographs/136.pdf.

Deficits to memory, LTP, spatial memory and cognitive deterioration is involved in neurotoxicity. There is also evidence that these are chronic with chronic doses.

Again, abuse.

Drug abuse is the misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs with negative consequences

[http://umm.edu/Health/Medical/Ency/Articles/Drug-abuse#ixzz3PgFgbuzE] (source)

  1. In this thread, it is being advised to the OP, to misuse DXM, an over the counter drug anti-tussive, that leads to negative consequences as evidenced by the information provided. That is drug abuse.

  2. The article makes reference to drug abuse as the exact same thing, low doses of DXM for reasons that it was not made for.

I think the people on drugs-forum define low dose a little differently than other people. He even mentions 120mg as the cutoff, which is too high.

He did not mention that he took below 120mg to mean low dose. I consider that an assumption. Also, I had just remembered reading that and given as a source. Ofcourse, there are many more on the internet anecdotally. I could go searching but I think I had enough published articles providing factual data and information.

So yes, there are risks with DXM. However, making blanket statements that it is neurotoxic, and has no cognitive use, is not right. I do not think people should be using it daily for years, just like I do not think people should be using it for regular dissociative trips. However, it can be a useful tool for short durations in the correct dosage.

I made no blanket statements. I provided the definitions so that it can be compared.

However, it can be a useful tool for short durations in the correct dosage.

Again, my post was in reference to the duration inquired in the original post.

/r/Nootropics Thread