LPT: spreading out prevents summer chub rub

Really? So it's my fault my old cat had to be put down because she wasn't eating enough, eh? I love how people on Reddit act like they know everything about this cat, without seeing it's lifestyle or medical records. Have you ever had a cat that literally does not chew its food because it was psychologically traumatized as a kitten and is always in "starving" mode (was found close to death, mother had died) - despite our best efforts literally putting in thousands of dollars into vet care, food and anything else that could help she still would not eat "normal" and had digestion issues her whole life. But yknow...it's the owners fault, how horrible to make HER eat that way. Not like we weren't feeding her organic cat food in controlled portions, she still found things to eat (sometimes non food things) and kept the weight on due to her inactivity. Again, repeated attempts to get her to be active but anyone that has owned a cat knows if the cat doesn't want to do something, they are not doing it. And then again when a member of the family passed away she stopped eating. From an outsiders point of view it would again look like we were starving her, but we could not get her to eat. TLDR Things aren't always black and white when it comes to weight.

/r/Delightfullychubby Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it