[M 21] My bad case of fordyce spots on my penis have kept me so insecure ive only had sex with hookers my entire life and feeling embarrassed to show it 24/7

I’ve done electro-dessication and mine came right back. Laser will just produce the same results; even less so. The issue is that they are glands that produce this sebum. You’d have to physically excise the entire gland itself which is known as dermal punching; where they remove the entire gland. However; the scarring that will be left behind will no doubt be present I’d imagine; as I have dermal piercings in my hips I’ve had removed and the holes are still there. So, to do that to your dick; even if they suture the holes up; you will still show scars. So you’d have this mottled penis with circles everywhere. The electro-desiccation I did, didn’t leave scars? But I was concerned it would; because it left this vicious wound that took like a month to heal over; and once it healed over? The spots came right back because again: you’re only burning/electrocuting the sebum itself and MAYBE some of the gland underneath; but that in most cases will never prevent it from returning, the gland even if damaged will still produce the fluid. So; excision through a dermal punch method is really the only option.

What you could try is the dermal punch method and then when the scars heal; even if there’s some slight indentation? You could try tattoo camouflage; which is a form of skin pigment tattooing that will cover up the scars to make it far less noticeable?

And that way; while your penis will look messed up still; it should in theory look ~ less ~ messed up than having large fordyce spots everywhere.

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