Not just a gold plated steak this time but also a gold plated burger! I call it the full meme experience

Story time: I know where this is and the reason why is I saw a Reddit post of a receipt, and the bill was about $600 for one meal and the girl was complaining that he was not paying for her meal (she ordered a bunch of expensive drinks and stuff), I was comfused one why it was so expensive and I looked up the name, its a Restaurant in Florida that puts Gold foil on the food to make it "fancy" the person that owns it thinks adding gold makes it "art"
but really its ruining the food, wasting gold, and . . .lots of reviews say the food is mediocre at best

TLDR: Florida restaurant puts gold on the food to "Make it art" but really its just a waste of time, money and food

/r/StupidFood Thread Link -