Madonna's Racism: A History

In light of her new world tour which includes Madonna surfboarding on a black woman and a "gypsy" themed section, the time has come to go over some of Madonna 's most racist, culturally appropriative and insensitive moments. Ignoring the apologetic portayal of the supposed…

• what shit is she saying, exactlyShe is an abuse survivor and thus understands on a personal level to mental trauma and conflicting emotions that go along with it.

• She is offering understanding and support to other victims and acknowledging that there are specific cultural concerns for African-American women in dv situations with African-American men.

• When you put it like this some of the things she did years ago wouldn't fly now but I thought some said neither bindi or henna are not considered cultural appropriation and it's encouraged for everyone to wear them, correct me if wrong.

• At the end of the day, your bindi selfies will eventually disappear on social media’s news feeds, you’ll take your colorful sari off, and you can go back to being American whenever you want.But for my generation, we can never go home and remove our heritage, our culture, and our riddled identity struggle."

• madonna has always been a entitled, racist attention seeker and has built her entire career off of other ppls culture and music.

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