
Not sure why you're so angry, I said get a "neat" wife. I know you maybe have PC views, but I'm a 40 something that's been married for a while. My wife just has a smaller tolerance for messy homes than I do. So she cleans and takes the kids to soccer, and I do the other work she doesn't want to do like catching termites and mice, getting under 2 old cars, being electrocuted once in a while, maintaining 4 PCs and 4 phones... The system didn't appear out of nowhere, it happened over years. Judging by [not all but] most other well-functioning families I've seen, it's pretty much the same system with others, too. I'm sure they've fought over this stuff as well and it ended up being the solution that both man and wife can live with. If the cleaning timeline was under my schedule, we'd only clean the house once a month, and she can't live in a dirty ass home, so she takes care of that. I can't stand noisy broken cars or broken computers, so I take care of that.

I don't even understand where your jobless thing came from. How is that relevant? I don't even know why you ask. Or your sex life. Like not interested, man.

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