Mainlanders building mosques in Uttarakhand is alarming. Mainland conspiracy against Himalayas

Neither are Muslim stupid to do this & nor are they capable to kill all Hindus & neither will all Hindus simply die

Even Aurangzeb at his peak knew killing all Hindus isn't simply possible for n number of reasons

Bt Hindus dieing & hindus being scared is the fuel which is basis of BJP electoral machinery.

They let Muslims kill Hindus ,so that Hindu en masse vote to them again & again , since in most places H are majority so BJP easily win if they can ensure H vote for them

No foreign funding can happen without SUPPORT of existing government, unless you assume India is a colony of those foregin funding companies.

No foreign interfere of any kind can't happen successfully without support & cognizance of government, intelligence agencies,bureaucracy & judiciary. So if foreign interference indeed happens then all these department are complicit in it & if people from these departments tell you to blame foreign interference while declaring the internal people involved as innocent, they are just making a fool out of you & they trust you to he stupid to believe them.

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