What should you avoid because its poison that rots your mind?

Gossip, negative thinking and self-talk, lying, as well as speaking negatively about others (deeper than initial cognitive bias) or the past.

Not trying to promote toxic positivity, but the above are lose-lose situations for everyone involved. It’s been scientifically claimed the worse you talk about others, the receptive party views you similarly to your words rather than who you talked about. Plus, you bring down their morale and likely incentivize a bit of anxiety.

Plus, negative speaking can be a trickling stream — once someone starts, it’s hard to break that cycle. Negative words often carry out to people near you as well through attitude, approach and behavior. I personally believe this is a major contributing factor as to why social outlook (in the US) has been at an all-time low since the pandemic.

Living with a fear-based mindset is also a poison. This can be cultivated from what we watch to circumstances we interact with on a daily basis .. the mind can be so fragile it’s surprising what humanity often puts it through, especially unconsciously. I did the same until I learned of the power of the subconscious mind, which is something I actively try to help others with on a daily basis even through casual conversation. Even a simple change of mind can change your life.

/r/AskMen Thread