Do the majority of people really think pitbulls are “dangerous dogs”?

I’m a Pitbull owner. I have the sweetest most handsome lovey dovey cutest lil adorable pittie that has ever been seen. That being said, he is dangerous. I get nervous with him around other animals because he has been in some gnarly scuffles with other dogs, not all were his fault, but he was still in them. He has killed a few animals in my backyard before (rats and a huge possum). He also snaps a lil when he tries to give ppl kisses. When I see him I see a loving dog that is far and away the best animal friend I’ve ever had. I’m also aware of what he is and how crazy powerful he is. I don’t feel like the “Pitbull conversation” is served by either pole of the argument. I don’t believe pit bulls are unconscious murder machines nor do I believe they are perfect angels who could never hurt a fly. A responsible Pitbull owner is aware of their history and takes proper steps for every bodies safety, dog included.

/r/pitbulls Thread