Man pulls alligator out of water and pries its jaws open to save his dog

Yeah, we used to have this issue with our dog too. So many people get offended when you tell them to put those dogs on leash it's unreal. It's not safe for their dog either! My neighbor's Rottweiler passed away a few months ago because she was run over by a car that decided to speed in a residential area. He NEVER leashed her for some reason even though she used to get into fights with other dogs quite often. I wasn't a huge fan of her because she's attacked my dog multiple times, but no one should have to lose their dog like that.

Another one of my neighbors had a German shepherd who was never on leash and he killed a Pomeranian. The Pomeranian's owner was a poor man who had no other family and he was completely devastated. Leashing dogs shouldn't even be an option. It's not worth the risk.

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