Martin Shkreli asks h3h3productions out to a date

That story about him rising the prices for a specific drug? That was misrepresented by the media. Here are some excerpts from different sources to clear up and to show how much of a meme master he is:

Since it is campaign season, Shkreli became Public Enemy Number One. “The drastic price increase will have a direct impact on patients’ ability to purchase their needed medications,” wrote Senator Bernie Sanders in a letter to Shkreli while launching an investigation into the price increase. (Shkreli, in turn, sent Sanders a $2,700 campaign donation, which the senator gave to a healthcare clinic.) Hillary Clinton tweeted that “price gouging like this is … outrageous” and promised to fix the problem if elected president. “Politics are well past logic. It’s entertainment,” says Shkreli. No less an authority than Donald Trump said that Shkreli “looks like a spoiled brat.”

The questioning continued this way, with Shkreli sometimes fidgeting, sometimes smiling, and sometimes furrowing his eyebrows, as if he couldn’t believe he had to sit through something so ridiculous. Brafman later explained that his client was suffering from a surfeit of “nervous energy,” but Shkreli himself provided a different account of his state of mind, via Twitter: “Hard to accept that these imbeciles represent the people in our government.”

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