maybe maybe maybe

Dude just shut the fuck up already seriously, it’s pathetic that you just won’t accept the fact that you’re wrong. Get off you’re high tower yes Lia Thomas is a she/her but not a biological women. Sorry the scary triggering white women in the video is defending her womenhood from being taken over by what once was a man, when all their life they’ve been mistreated and told by men what to do. She’s not wrong, sure lia Thomas can claim to be a “Women” but she will never endure what women actually go through. Sorry that the misuse of words scare and upset you but you’re reason for being on this thread is an ego and always wanting to be right reflection, you’re what’s ruining this social culture. Not everyone wins, not everyone is right. You’ll argue this but then go and argue that men shouldn’t be telling women what to do you people who have the same ideology make no fucking sense.

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