Me and bf are getting piled up unresolved issues and I’m going crazy

  1. Multiple people in this very thread have stated it is not ADHD, for certain. I am stating the opposite, and I have more to go on considering the OP’s directing their question at on our subreddit.
  2. I agree. OP’s boyfriend is asshole. Let’s move on to why, since we’re on a discussion board with OP. That’s supposed to be the spirit of these discussions. This is not /r/AmITheAsshole.
  3. Agreed as well.
  4. People with ADHD are absolutely known for being able to do something they want to do a hell of a lot easier than something they need to do. This checks out, even if it’s inappropriate and unacceptable.
  5. Fair enough, but the discussion quickly devolved from helpful advice to just shitting on OP’s boyfriend.
/r/ADHD Thread Parent