Men of reddit, what about women baffles you the most?

1) How do you clean your vagina in the shower?

Water is all that's necessary, but some women like to use soap. If you're particularly sensitive in that area, though, it's advised to steer clear of it.

2) How do tampons work? (I've never seen one)

Like this

3) How often do you have to shave?

That's the beauty of shaving- it's not required. Some women shave every day. Some shave once a week. Some don't shave at all. Some shave some things but not others. I shave about once every 1-2, but only if I really feel like it. Even then, it's usually just my armpits and trimming up my bikini area; I'm fine with my leg hair.

4) What is the utilitarian use for different types of bra? (Padded, push up, strapless, sports, etc)

Padded typically cover your nipples (nice in the winter, I guess), push-up gives you a ton of cleavage (plunge push-ups allow you to wear clothing with a deeper neckline without showing your bra), strapless are pointless and give you monoboob, sports bras compress everything so you don't wear out the breast's suspensory ligaments. I personally prefer regular unlined, no-underwire, cloth bras. Wearing standard underwire bras keeps those suspensory ligaments from doing their job and can make your boobs sore if you stop wearing underwire bras.

5) Do boobs get in the way of living ever?

YES. Doing the dishes, making food, eating food (it's always either food in boobs or boobs in food), laying down (sleep on your side? Squished boobs. Sleep on your back? Boobs flopping to the side.), other women lecturing you on modesty (it doesn't happen THAT often, but whenever I'm around family, I end up getting reminded that I'm the only one without a naturally flat chest), and a bunch of other little instances like that.

6) What's the most attractive (non physical) quality in a guy?

The most attractive personality trait ANYONE can have is respect. And a good sense of humor.

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