Match ups That i want to See. What are your Thoughts?

I think Nox vs Hit entirely depends on whether or not Nox's time slowing powers are a percentage decrease or a relative decrease. Like for instance if Hit is moving at 10,000mph (I'm sure it's much faster but the number here is arbitrary) and Nox's power reduces it by 95%, then Hit's still moving at a blazing fast 500mph and will be way too fast for Nox to deal with even when slowed to whatfor him is a crawl. But, if the time slow is just "everything slows down so that Nox perceives it at x-speed", then Hit's kinda screwed since Nox is definitely tanky enough to survive at least a few good shots from Hit, and since Hit's time skip only allows him to jump for fractions of a second (but since he moves so fast he can cover a lot of ground in fractions of seconds) then it would be utterly useless if he were slowed down to a relative speed as he couldn't move any appreciable distance with it and Nox could easily slap him around while he's utterly defenseless (Hit probably can't break out of Nox's spells like Yugo or Grougaloragran can, since he isn't from the Wakfu universe and therefor he has no Wakfu inside of him which is how they resist Nox's powers. They're using their wakfu, life force created by the gods of their realm, to combat the wakfu Nox is using. Ki and wakfu are probably two different things and can't directly interact, so Hit couldn't use ki to overpower Nox's wakfu.)

/r/deathbattle Thread