Mental health and working out

Not going to go into too much detail but I had a very bad 2021. Break-up that left me heartbroken, a couple suicides of people I know, losing a ton of my savings on horrible investment decisions.. All this left me very depressed, and I'm already prone to depression.

Started working out hardcore last year to try taking my mind off of things and actually change something I have control over, which is my body. I also started doing Yoga again during that timeframe and meditating more.

I've dropped the yoga and meditation (I should honestly bring them back into my life because they really were helpful). The exercise gave me more energy, made me more positive, got me out of my comfort zone a bit, snapped me out of lethargy, and made exercise more of a habit then a chore.

I did it in an extreme way, which I felt I needed to do. I worked out almost everyday for the first 6-7 months of the year. The most important was my first month or so, after I worked out like 30 days in a row it all just became much easier.

/r/CarolineGirvan Thread