A message to all the under-18 people on this sub

Just in case anyone would like to read the [removed] post.

To all the kids who think that smoking weed is amazing, stop while you're ahead. I can almost guarantee that when you are in your 20s, you will find that you have developed no skills or emotional growth because you spent the last 10 years of their life smoking.

Don't waste your adolescence smoking weed. This is a very critical point in your life where you can either grow intellectually and emotionally, or you can smoke the years away and find that you haven't accomplished anything.

Idc if this gets downvoted, but this is legitimately what happens to people who start smoking at an early age. It is the most depressing thing I've ever seen, and a lot of them move on to harder drugs when they find out nothing is going their way in life.

Marijuana inhibits emotional and intellectual growth, as do all mind altering substances. I know that when I post this a lot of you are going to be in denial, but I've seen this happen time and again. Save marijuana for a time when you've reached a stepping stone in life. Ideally it should be in your mid 20s but 18 is a more practical age.

Also, thanks for completely destroying the quality of this sub with some of the most childish posts I've ever seen. Seriously, this sub is turning into /r/im14andthisisdeep except with trees.

Edit: I'm going to go ahead and add a little more to this post. A lot of people are saying that it's different for everyone, which is true to some extent. But I honestly believe that a lot of people here are lying to themselves and others to de legitimize my message and reinforce their behaviors. Which, hey, be my guest- I obviously have no power or say in what you do in your life. You are the master of your own destiny. But I do acknowledge the power mind-altering substances have on people's ability to grow. If you are using it to avoid feelings of sadness, anger, or anxiety- you are not growing. Period.

But like I said, it's your life and you do whatever you want.


/r/trees Thread