Messaged by a random redditor claiming to be a girl I supposedly know, is there a scam like this?

I just chatted with her too and when I read this thread I kept chatting, Just for fun, and to try and understand who/what this is. She was kind of nice and sent several photos (I tested them all and none was on google by the way) . And then I confronted her about being a scam to see her reaction, but she told me things about you and she actually showed me a chat you had with her u/20022012

It looks like you may have been kind of an ass to her hahaha...

Seriously man?... just because she didn't "work hard enough" ? You really need to chill... and maybe reconsider your conclusions. Not every girl you chat with and who doesn't keep on chatting with you is a scam dude.

I have to say it's kind of funny how someone can become a scam in the eye of everybody else just because one guy decided to create an accusing thread without any proof... hahaha. Thanks God justice doesn't work that way.

/r/Scams Thread