Midlife career change? Am I too old?

I think if you are making a complete career change it has to be something you love. This just me and the entrepreneur in me . Why just go get stuck in the same thing ?... "a job" .

What I would do is this ...

I would just look at what I enjoy doing ... ( when it comes to working and career )

If it is coding or marketing or whatever.

How can I turn this into a business ?

What are you good at ? Can you teach it ?

Do you even like teaching ?

Can you freelance what your good at ?

Do you need professional training at what you enjoy doing ?

Is the codesmith etc. bootcamp something you would enjoy ?

Here is a big question ... How long can you go without an income ?

Just my opinion... at 37 the only change I would make would be starting my own business .

" Do what you LOVE and you'll never work a day in your life "

/r/cscareerquestions Thread