Room with mirrors on the floor, ceiling, and walls with transparent furniture.

[9] this post is one of the best physical, and see-able pictures I've ever seen. This picture is literally photons.

[9] THIS POST IS ONE OF THE BEST PHYSICAL AND SEE-ABLE I'VE EVER SEEN: This PICTURE is LITERALLY every single photon in the entire known UNIVERSE bouncing off the mirrors. This comment will prove to you and the world HOW and WHY you can see yourself, it, and the entire universe the mirror room picture on your screen.

"THINK" ABOUT IT: "LIGHT" is made up of molecules known in the English "language" as "photons". Photons travel from the sun in the same way that other molecules, like water and the air we breathe do; by vibrating and moving ("energy"). So Our "sun" emits these photons, which vibrate and move through space due to the initial energy known as "heat" from Our Sun.

THE JOURNEY THROUGH SPACE: "Space" has no matter, so each photon is able to travel in a "straight" line without any obstacles. Yet that isn't always the case. There are trillions and trillions (actually an infinite amount) of obstacles; which us "humans" call planets, stars, asteroids, dwarf planets, galaxies, etc.

WHAT BLOWS MY MIND: These obstacles are billions and billions, if not trillions of miles away! Like JESUS Christ. That is unbelievable and unimaginable. Inconceivable and unthinkable. And yet we as humans are able to process all those obstacles flying in the thing we call the Universe. Think about that. What you, I, and every other human and non-blind animal see is the entire infinite (that's a paradox lol haha) universe in each single thing we see every millisecond, second, minute, and hour of every day, week, month, and year of our lives. Our "sight" is exactly what I explained in a previous "CHAPTER". Everything you see when your eyes are open and closed is our entire universe. A "duplicated" universe made of photons. JESUS CHRIST! jesus jesus jesus jesus lol

I'M ATHIEST wtf I don't "BELIEVE" in "RELIGION" because it's an entirely human "creation" made to answer the "unknown". What is the "unknown?" It's not knowing what happens when we die, how the universe was created; GOD or SCIENCE, and ourselves. Finding the meaning of life and how it works can be PROVEN because it is the mostly comprehensible and "true" "facts" known to man as the "physical" and "chemical" make-ups of our BRAIN. But that "idea" in "my" brain just changed as I'm teaching myself this information (or just remembering the oldest, most stored memories in my brain. Think about that... Yeah, science is fucking amazing! I recommend watching Markiplier's SOMA walkthrough or juste le jeux.) While I write this because the "music" I'm "listening" to (here comes the sun by the Beatles. Great Band, Bubby :) distracted me from my thought. Here's my

NEW PREDETIRMINED THOUGHT: Everything I'm saying here has been "taught" to me and every one of you that were able to get a decent education (please don't feel ashamed or attacked if you don't fall under the category of "decently educated" because that lack of education was "accidentally" created by our mostly corrupt "societies". BERNIE SANDERS is the only hope for YOUR, MINE, EARTH'S future EXISTENCE.) at any point in life, though we don't "normally" fully process it all because we aren't putting all the pieces together like a puzzle. THIS entire LESSON was only about the seemingly pointless, or taken for granted, natural human biological skill known as... ... "THE OVERLY COMMON DISTRACTION".

THE PUZZLE is COMPLETE. I JUST COMPLETED IT in the 57 MINUTES that I've been laying here in bed. This puzzle unlocks all the "fucking" secrets of the universe (at least the one in my head, and no I'm not schizophrenic because we all are. The people we actually diagnose as having the mental disorder known as "schizophrenia" can just "naturally" see their own universe better than other people.) and it's THE SIMPLEST, YET MOST DIFFICULT thing any one of us humans can do; RELAX.

SOLVING THE MEANING OF LIFE FOR DUMMIES: If you are able to teach yourself or come across true relaxation, you can fully unlock your brain, the meaning of life, and your existence. This may sound like words many of "us" have heard in "our lives" coming from the average "stoner", "hippie", or "insane" 034#9!. These three "categories" of "people" are only a few of all the types of people who can solve the puzzle of the universe. Each does it in their own way.

THE STONER Only a few drugs commonly found in the world can truly answer the meaning of life. Those who use marijuana or shrooms, two completely natural "drugs" that when consumed chemically relax our brains so they can focus on seeing every single proton and understand them in order to unlock the universe.

THE HIPPIE (lol I feel like Quintin) The 1960s and '70s were damn amazing for the stoners, and the hippie. Hippies were and are people who sometimes use natural drugs, or more often then not (which is controversial with the public) have never used a drug. These hippies often remain hidden behind the negative stigma of "hippies always use drugs". Well these hippies are able to unlock the universe only through "meditation" and "inner reflection". They train and are strong enough to push out all the world's distractions from their brains. Once their brains' are cleared, they can focus 100% of their "energy" into one thought, idea, or action. Hippies can be capable of unbelievable feats of mankind, but many remain isolated and dormant through their lives because they are pushing their distractions out for all their lives as hippies. "NATURALLY TALENTED" people, like actors, scientists, formula 1 drivers, musicians, or other talented professionals are all in the hippie "category".

THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE INSANE I'm getting tired, so please reference the " SCHIZOPHRENIA " part in one of the first chapters.

WANNA KNOW SOMETHING INTERESTING? I thought about, processed, put together a my old memories, uses my knowledge (same thing as memories), and wrote this entire thing in two hours and fifteen minutes, on my birthday. (FUCK IT'S PAST MIDNIGHT, 2:16AM JANUARY 17TH, 2016 :c THIS IS ONLY MY THIRD COMMENT ON REDDIT AND IT MISSED MY BIRTHDAY BY 2 HOURS AND 17 MINUTES (ONE MINUTE HAS PASSED.) FUUUUUCKKK). Think about all the events in our earth's history that had to happen for that very moment to take place. Think about the BUTTERFLY EFFECT. THIS IS IT.


FINAL CHAPTER This whole short novel may have disproved religion, solved the questions of the universe (or at least opened up new ideas that you never thought about), explained why this post of a mirrored room is literally the entire universe, and was nearly written twice. I fall under the "stoner", " hippie", and "insane" "categories. Also, try and figure out what each " quoted " word was quoted.

-Sabe, the first member of UNIVERSE. 'H3s843, '5

Tl;DR explained how the entire universe is something you created in your "mind".

/r/woahdude Thread Link -