Moderators of /r/personalfinance lock down thread discussing fact that 50% of Millennials have less than $1,000 saved

Nobody "deserves" anything, except for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That doesn't mean you're "entitled" to be happy and rich, it means that legally nobody can stop you from pursuing it. Are you advocating for government-enforced happiness programs?

So.. should someone in a tough spot in their life deserve to go without food or a home to pay a medical bill?

The argument here is whether or not someone is good at managing money. If you're going without food, then you are absolutely, without a doubt shit at managing money. Food is cheap, be smart and shop around. If you don't have an emergency fund (like a few months worth of paychecks stored in a savings account) then you're just an idiot who didn't think ahead. You only have yourself to blame, so yeah in a sense you do deserve whatever you failed to plan for. What person doesn't have a rainy-day fund? You learned that shit in elementary school.

Or there aren't many employment opportunities in their area and they're in the running with tens or even hundreds of others for a basic job?

Specialize, work more than one job? Be better at the job than other people? Once again, it's only your own fault for failing to be an appealing person to hire. Are you only good at one job? What job is it?

Or they can barely pay for rent and food on their wages, let alone college courses due to the cost of living in their city?

If only they could somehow leave the city, right? Are all the exits blocked by soldiers? Don't they already get welfare and social payments? Are they dining out at fancy restaurants?

There's your bubble, and the reality of the world...

Whatever your "reality" is, it's even worse than what's really happening. You offer no solutions to these problems, you just list them and pretend that's an argument.

/r/undelete Thread Parent