Monkeypox: WHO Again Considers Declaring Monkeypox A Global Health Emergency

Official Documents suggest Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection.

Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities and the mainstream media?

Even the Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros (the terrorist) Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has just overruled the World Health Organization and single-handedly declared monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

If you don’t find any of the above curious then you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.


Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.

In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus.

The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body.

And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.

Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system.

This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people.

Keep taking those dumb jabs!

/r/Monkeypox2022 Thread Link -