Chapter 4: Season 1 | End of Season Discussion & Poll

A lot of these have been posted about so many times on the Reddit that mentioning them again seems like a waste of time as nothing seems to ever be done. But here is a list of things. You can search the reddit for the main keywords like "presets" to see how many times people mentioned it.

-We need more presets.

-Lobby track music volume is too low on most tracks, they all need to be fixed by a real audio engineer to balance them to the same level. If you pay for audio you want to be able to actually hear it.

-Crew pack skins need to return to the item shop. If this is something that can return, please start bringing them back. So many posts and wasted human energy on this topic and lossed productivity when you could just do it and make a large percentage of the playerbase happy. A lot of people are ready to spend a lot of money on these.

-Hair is glitched with a lot of backblings on skins. So many combos videos on YouTube showing glitched backblings on different skins for a long time now. I've also seen the arm glitch and even back. It's like it passes through it. You buy a skin for a cool backbling and you can't even use it on a lot of skins cause the hair, arm, back or something glitches with it.

-Skirts glitch with a lot of emotes. You can see their hands, scarf, or belt buckle through the skirt for emotes sitting down. You buy an emote and can't even

-Only around 4 contrails are sold in the item shop. Rest are all battle pass. Need to start creating more general use contrails to put in the item shop like waterfall, etc. Just look at most commonly used and give us some alternative variations.

-Every bundle should come with a loading screen. If someone adds it as a preset they have no matching loading screen on most skins and bundles sold. Start re-releasing them or hire some artists to create more of them.

-I don't think I've ever played a game that crashed this much in my entire life. So many crashes, freezes, etc. this season. I tried to complete missions and then it would crash after I made progress and not save the progress when I started over again. If I experienced that frustration I can only imagine how many other did too.

/r/FortNiteBR Thread