Monthly "What are you working on? How is it coming along?" thread - April '18

I’ve been putting off on my major project which is in essence an irc bot (, it’s getting to the point that working on it is daunting and a bit difficult as my ideas become more complex.

In the mean time I’ve made some simple scripts, one which checks the files in one location against the files in another location. And a second for gaming that basically pings different ip’s that the user pre-configures and then creates a running list in google sheets along with some averages over 10 minutes and a total average.

My next goal is to make a simple UI, which will eventually lead back into my irc bot. I’m finding it difficult because I haven’t had to bother much with classes, inheritance, etc. in the past, and now I’m attempting to learn this and how to create a UI, I haven’t found it easy to say the least.

/r/ProgrammingLanguages Thread