Mother of 8 is on welfare, and still has conservative views. Reddit users response: Harass her

Everyone takes government money when they can. Every single person. No matter the race, sex, location, politics, income level, every single human being, if they have a pulse, will gleefully take government money if presented with the opportunity.

Thank you for the amazing revelation, Sherlock.

We're in debt primarily because we refused to pay for the wars we started.

Wrong. We're in debt because the government cannot balance the checkbooks, we do not produce things anymore (China does now) and the US prints money out of thin air from the Federal Reserve, a quasi-private central bank that lends money to the US government at interest (a massive fraud, BTW). This money has no backing whatsoever.

This is called a fiat currency and weakens the entire economies of nations, which in turns weakens the national treasuries. This, combined with incompetent politicians, contributes to their demise. Every fiat currency in history has failed, and the nations along with it..

We're not even close to a banana republic, if you want to get technical we're also not even close.

We are absolutely a Banana Republic. A Banana Republic means a country run by a central power, or a dictator. We are run by a dictator - or to be more accurate, an Oligarchy/Plutocracy - a small group of very powerful people. This is not even a debate, Princeton did a study and even admitted that the US is no longer a Democracy.

25% of the population is not unemployed, maybe underemployed but what you said isn't even close to true.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics' numbers only take into account peoples who have dropped out of the labor force within a certain time period. Therefore, we have to go to another reliable source - Shadowstats.

22% of the population is unemployed. I mentally rounded it out to 25...22, close enough..

However, technically the number is much higher because we've lost so many full time jobs to part time. Part time work has hit an all time record high, while the full time numbers are still below 2007 numbers

The economy on wall street is clearly getting better, someone is enjoying the shit out of this economy.

Wall Street is in no way an indicator of the economic health of the nation. None. Zero. Zilch. I suggest you learn about economics and the stock market - and how it is easily manipulated.

Also, I can provide you with more evidence that shows how poorly the American economy is doing under Obama. Much more.

More people are not on welfare and food stamps than ever, that's propaganda.

No, that is a fact.

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